History of the Village: The Shadow Monsters by Neve McSweeney

Long ago, the Forgotten Woods were not all shadowy and dark. Once they were lush, green and full of life. Deer, foxes, rabbits and other animals called the forest their home. The leader of the forest was a kind and wise wolf who treated all animals as equals. She was…

The Gold Casopia by Jennifer Fredericks

Deep, deep, deep below the Misty Isles lies the legendary Casopia. I knew that Casopia wanted to find it’s master but it was terrorising everyone. The monstrous Gold Casopia lurks deep below the Misty Isles, terrifying fishermen. It is the centre of hunting. The Gold Casopia is a monstrous…

Myths & Legends From Ahoy by Chloe Ma

Myth 1: The History of the Misty Isles (Note: the magic is allowed because the myth itself happened in the Age of Magic) “Tell me a story, mummy,” requested the little girl, “The one about the giant.” “Okay,” replied the mother, settling into an armchair beside the…

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!…

Whoever finds this

Dear Whoever finds this,  As you most likely know, the apocalypse has started! Zombies are everywhere and there seems to be no safe places left. But, if you find this go to the address on the front of the card! There you can see…


Dear anyone who gets this,  If you are on a beach, on a ferry or on a boat you must come to Madagascar to help me! My name is Jack and I have been deserted here for two weeks. I realised there is a…

Penguin Planet

My friend Candy,  I Have found the world I was born in!! I will miss you, Candy Land was a great place to live, but I think that Penguin Planet is better for me.  Love Pip…

Dear Mr (With Magic) Trump

Dear Mr Trump,  I know you are the ruler of the world now, so technically I am of lower rank than you, meaning you don’t technically have to read this letter. But, as you know, we humans are still suffering from mass population extinction,…

Wish You Weren’t Here

Dear Human,  I am currently hiding under a rock as my planet is being destroyed. Wish me luck please! From your pal who might die soon due to a monster.  – Bob…