Greetings from Antalina
Dear Mum, I hope you are doing well. I arrived safely and found my hut. The people here are very kind, the food is nice and everything is very colourful! I think you would love it. Much love, Cristie …
Dear Mum, I hope you are doing well. I arrived safely and found my hut. The people here are very kind, the food is nice and everything is very colourful! I think you would love it. Much love, Cristie …
Dear Teddy, My name is Kaley and I am your sister. I found your name, number and address in a photo album. You seem to live in a busy city where there is never a ‘blue sky’. I have beautiful pink sunrise skies. I have a serious young…
Hi, I am Thanos. I am about to get the fifth stone and I will use it to destroy your planet, soo… I think you should evacuate your planet or call the Avengers!…
Dear Solace, Mysteria is so peaceful and safe that it’s suspicious. People seem calm and relaxed, but I feel like it’s all controlled by something bigger. We need to figure this out. – Cathra P.S. Why do you have a river named after you?!?!?…
To Tendrill, It is no longer safe here. They keep on coming. We can not bear to lose another soul. We must leave. From Truffle…
Dear Zoe and Matilda, Come to my house. We need more clues on the investigation. Come quick! There’s a black hat on the roof, and yesterday I heard a laugh… From Emily…
The Melbourne Young Writers’ Studio Term Four project Our young writers have each received a blank postcard to design and return to us. We can’t wait to see the exciting array of imagined locations and snippets of stories as the postcards begin to flow in. The postcards will…